Research publications in Computer Science

2 minute read


Publishing is a very critical component for a researcher to must embrace and support the other researchers’ life and advance the scientific age. Publications are a form of expression and communication in academia. With this blog, I will iterate through the various critical stages of working in research and getting a successful publication.

Know your Community

Knowing the academic context of your research will help you define the importance of the field. What are the essential theories and concepts in your particular research domain? Who are the influential researchers in that academic community?

Selecting The Research Problem

One of the first tasks on the way to deciding on the particular topic of research is to find a question, an unresolved controversy, a gap in knowledge, or an unanswered need within the chosen subject. Select subjects that you feel are of interest and challenging. Focus on a limited and relevant issue and avoid topics with less scope or resources, and most importantly, you should be able to state the problem clearly and concisely.

Literature Review

Reviewing the research literature means finding, reading, and summarizing the published research relevant to your question. Be very thorough with your literature review; it will reveal previous results, avoid redundant work, plagiarism, and let you know the research gaps and the potential solution. Read and evaluate your literature thoroughly, maintain notes, and gather the relevant information with full bibliographical details.

Find a better solution - An incremental Approach.

In most cases, your work will not be entirely new; most of the academia proceeds with incremental work. Try to assess the research gaps you found in your review and work on their solutions or enhancements. Formulate your story and hypothesis as you conduct your experiments. Your work should stand on its own as a piece of literature and answer all the questions about the topic.

Writing the paper

Your paper should stand out on its own, each section should be self-explanatory, explain any assumption that you may have made, and all the references for your work, always create a first draft and build on that. Comply strictly to the pattern followed by your journal/conference. Often papers are rejected just because they did not comply with the format strictly.

Find a Conference / Journal (Journal vs. Conference)

Identifying academic conferences and journals will help you to discover the ecosystem of the community. Journals take a lot of time in general and are supposed to have a higher impact factor. Still, conferences have quicker feedbacks and are interactive.