Blog posts


Modelling Selective Attention With Neural Networks

less than 1 minute read


In computer science, attention mechanisms in models are designed to be allocated different weights to relevant input information and ignore irrelevant information with low-valued weights. However, the connection between computer science models and psychology is still loose and broad. In this post, the bridge between attention modeling in neuroscience and Computer science is discussed.

Adversarial Machine Learning

less than 1 minute read


In this post, I discuss Adversarial Machine Learning, White Box Attacks, and Attacks on NLP using Universal Adversarial trigger. The post discusses the following paper : Wallace, Eric, et al. “Universal adversarial triggers for attacking and analyzing NLP (2019)

Research publications in Computer Science

2 minute read


Publishing is a very critical component for a researcher to must embrace and support the other researchers’ life and advance the scientific age. Publications are a form of expression and communication in academia. With this blog, I will iterate through the various critical stages of working in research and getting a successful publication.


3 minute read


FlaiReddit is a text classification webapp deployed on Heroku which detects the ‘flair’ tags of a Reddit Post from the subreddit r/india. This project consists all major steps important to any applied machine learning pipeline - Data Collection, Processing, Optimized Classifier, Deployment.